8 March 2022
To the saints in New Zealand
Dear saints,
There are saints in the Ukraine who are presently under much tribulation and suffering due to the military conflict and war in the country.
Several saints in New Zealand have made contact with us to see if we can help facilitate a way for offerings from New Zealand be sent to the affected saints in the Ukraine.
We are happy to facilitate this and saints can make their offering into the following New Zealand bank account:
Account Name: New Zealand Training Centre
Account Number: 04 2021 0072010 93
Please use “Ukraine” in all three payment reference fields. This is very important.
Please note this is a different account from the usual NZTC bank account. This account can only accept offerings via internet banking.
May the Lord protect these saints and release the supply to meet this need in the Body.
Much grace,
NZTC Serving Ones