Offerings for the Urgent Need in Fiji

25 November 2021

To the saints in New Zealand


Dear saints,

In July of this year, we sent a letter announcing of the urgent need of offerings to saints in Fiji who were greatly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. We are very pleased to announce that the offerings we have received to date for this need are sufficient for now to fully take care of these affected saints.

The leading brothers in Fiji have sent a letter of appreciation of the love and supply of the saints in New Zealand during their time of lockdown. Their letter reads:

“At the beginning of July this year we had written a letter to you to give an update of the saints in Fiji affected by the pandemic. We were overwhelmed with the love and care of the response we received through the saints offering. The offerings we received has greatly helped the saints in meeting their needs.

 The situation now has passed over the peak of the outbreak and the restriction now is at the equivalent of your level 2 with international borders opening up on 1st December. Most of the saints have started to return back to work with full hours, however there are some who are still out of work. Some of these saints will still require some assistance as the effects of the lockdown will be felt for some time before things can return back to normal.

 We appreciate the saints in New Zealand giving to support the needs of the saints here during the lockdown. We feel that the amount of the offerings collected so far is sufficient for the brothers to manage and assist the saints in need in the months ahead.

 Therefore, please convey our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the churches in New Zealand for supplying and meeting our needs not only once but numerous times during our lockdown which has enabled the churches here to pass through these difficult times.”

If saints are still burdened to give, any money that is offered to the account that was designated for this need will be used for the Lord’s work and move in Fiji.

We praise the Lord for this outpouring of support for this need in Fiji!

Much grace,
NZTC Staff

Original letter dated 7 July 2021