1 August 2022
To the saints in New Zealand
As announced in the July 2022 Semi-annual Training, there is currently an opportunity for the churches in Brazil to purchase a building in Sao Paulo that would serve as the very first meeting hall for the church in Sao Paulo. There are 300 saints currently meeting in the church in Sao Paulo, and they do not have their own meeting hall.
With 6000 saints living in Brazil, this building also has the potential to be used for the Lord’s work in Brazil and in South America. It could also open a way for the start of a Portuguese speaking full-time training in Brazil.
The price of the building, including needed repairs, is USD $1,563,600. The saints and churches in Brazil have been able to raise half of this amount, which leaves approximately USD $800,000 more to raise.
Several saints in New Zealand have made contact with us to see if we can facilitate a way for offerings from New Zealand be sent for this need in Brazil.
We are happy to facilitate this, and saints or churches can make their offerings into the following New Zealand bank account:
Account Name: New Zealand Training Centre
Account Number: 04 2021 0072010 93
Please use the word “Brazil” in all three reference fields. For example:
Particulars – Brazil
Analysis Code – Brazil
Reference – Brazil
Please note this is a different account from the usual NZTC bank account. This account can only accept offerings via Internet banking. If you do not use Internet banking, please put your cash offering into the offering box in your locality instead and mark it “Brazil”. Churches can then forward these cash offerings into the above bank account via Internet banking.
Bellow is a letter from the brothers who serve in the work in Brazil, including some photos of the building. As this need is time sensitive (settlement is mid-August), all offerings received will be sent to Brazil as soon as possible, with subsequent payments after that.
This is a unique opportunity for us to participate in the Lord’s move in South America.
May the Lord meet this need in the Body.
Much grace,
NZTC Serving Ones