Short-Term Training

The Full-time Training in Hamilton warmly welcomes all those who would like to join us for a short-term period. Short-term trainees are trained in the same way as the full-time trainees - attending classes, joining gospel teams, and participating in practical services.

When to come:

Applicants can come any dates during the semester (except for the fieldwork period and the study/tests week) for any length of time. Should you come for over two weeks, you will be considered an auditing student and the cost will match the normal weekly cost of the full-time training. The Training class schedule is available here: Class Schedule 2025A


$250 NZD per week (for the first two weeks) - from February 2024
$568.53 NZD per week (from the third week onwards) - from February 2024
The fee includes accommodation and food, and is the same whether the student is domestic or international.

To apply as a short-term trainee:

  1. Print and complete the form: FTT Short-term Enrolment Form 
  2. Fellowship with the elders in your locality for their recommendation.
  3. Email or post the form to the New Zealand Training Centre.